I recently met with a client whose son had been questioned by the police at the police station and charged with a Retail Theft. The client was complaining that the police questioned her son at the police station without providing a lawyer for him and without allowing her to be…
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog
Supreme Court Issues Opinions on 4th and 5th Amendment Cases
Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court issued several opinions on cases that had been closely watched by observers. The case that has received most of the public attention involves legalized sports betting. But lost in the coverage was the release of two opinions involving the 4th and 5th Amendment rights…
Retail Theft and the Civil Penalty in Illinois
Everybody knows that if you are arrested and charged with a Retail Theft, or Shoplifting, you will be facing serious criminal penalties that could have serious implications for your future. How many people are surprised to find out that in addition to the criminal implications of a Retail Theft, they…
What Happens if I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test?
Most drivers will never have to decide whether to take a breathalyzer test or not. But if you are driving a vehicle in Illinois, you should be aware of what could happen to you and to your license if you are ever pulled over by a police officer and asked…
Should I Take a Breathalyzer if I Was Just “Sleeping it Off?”
I recently met with a client who was arrested and charged with a DUI after he had pulled over his car to take a nap because he was afraid that he had too much to drink. You do not have to actually be driving your car to be charged with…
McHenry County and Lake County Announce Drastic Expansion of Police DUI Authority
Police get frustrated when they pull over a motorist for suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and the driver refuses to submit to a breathalyzer test when the officer requests that they take such a test. The reason behind their frustration is because, in many cases, if they…
What Happens If You Are Arrested?
Being arrested by a police officer is something that nobody would ever want to experience. While being arrested by a police officer does not automatically mean that you will be charged with a crime, it usually means that you are suspected of committing a crime and you should be aware…
Speed Limit on More of I-90 Increased
In the past few years, the Illinois Legislature has enacted laws which make Excessive Speeding a much more serious matter than most people think. Most people are conditioned to believe that if they are pulled over for speeding they will receive a simple speeding ticket and the most that could…
Does My Lawyer Have to Give Me Copies of the Police Reports for my Case?
Last week I had a meeting with a client in my office in Schaumburg who was being charged with a felony in Rolling Meadows. The client has a lawyer who was representing him for the case. The client came in for a consultation because he was not happy with the…
Can I Be Arrested for Speeding?
In the past several weeks, I have spoken to several clients who were arrested for Aggravated or Excessive Speeding and were charged with a crime. Most of the people I spoke to did not realize that they could be arrested for speeding. Many people do not understand the Illinois speeding…