
Articles Posted in DUI


Medical Marijuana Patients Beware: You May Have a Bulls Eye on Your Car

On January 1, 2014, Medical Marijuana became legal in Illinois. The Illinois Medical Marijuana policy is stricter than most other states that have enacted Medical Marijuana. Illinois does not allow Medical Marijuana to be grown at home. The Marijuana must be cultivated at a state-regulated facility that is under strict…


Arrested for a DUI. Warnings to Motorist and Notice of Statutory Summary Suspension. What Does This All Mean?

I just received a phone call from a client who was arrested last night for a DUI and was asking me questions about the paperwork that the police gave her when she left the police station. More importantly, she wanted to know what a Statutory Summary Suspension means and how…

Posted in: DUI

Annual DUI Study Shows Elgin Push to Increase DUI Arrests Pays Off

Every year the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists releases it’s annual DUI arrest survey for Illinois DUI arrests.  This year’s study has some interesting statistics and numbers that I want to share with my readers.  The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists sends out surveys to almost 700 police agencies in Illinois.  Roughly…

Posted in: DUI
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